Ribbon, UK Volunteer Reserves Service Medal
Reserve personnel shall be eligible for award of the VRSM after 10 years reckonable service in the Reserve Forces, provided that they have earned training bounty as required by their obligatory training commitment as defined in individual service regulations in 9 out of the 10 qualifying years.
Up to 5 years former regular service may count as half qualifying time, giving a maximum of 2 and a half years eligible service. Complex regulations apply to the use of former service and periods of Full Time Regular Service (FTRS) and Non Permanent Regular Service (NPRS) as qualifying time towards the VRSM and the regulations should therefore be studied in detail. Complex regulations also apply to the transition between the former separate service reserve medals and the VRSM.
Any additional period of five years reckonable service shall merit award of the clasp to the VRSM.
The VRSM was instituted with effect from 1 April 1999 to replace the separate medals that used to be issued to personnel of the separate Reserve Forces. These were the Royal Naval Reserve Decoration and Reserve Long Service and Good Conduct Medal for the Royal Naval and Royal Marine Reserve, the Territorial Decoration and Efficiency Medal (Territorial) for the Army Reserve (formerly the Territorial Army) and the Air Efficiency Award for the Royal Auxiliary Air Force.
The VRSM is now issued to both officers and other ranks of the Royal Naval and Royal Marine Reserve, the Army Reserve (formerly the Territorial Army) and the Royal Auxiliary Air Force who have served after 31 March 1999. The previous medals may still be awarded for qualifying service ending before 1 April 1999.
Full Size Ribbon Width 32mm