Defence Medals Canada (DMC) is a leader in the Canadian mail order medal mounting business. Since 1996, DMC has built its excellent reputation on quality craftsmanship and service.
We have had the privilege to mount thousands of medals ranging from all levels of the Military, RCMP, Police, Peace Officers, Fire, and Emergency Medical Service ranks. We have also had the honour of mounting the medals of the Lieutenant-Governor General of Alberta in 2005.
Defence Medals Canada offers the buyer a large selection of the following goods and services: Full and Miniature Medals, Ribbons, Devices, Medal Accessories, and Medal Mounting Services.
We do have the capability to do bulk mounting for larger groups as well as organizations, upon approval. Please keep in mind that larger orders require timely notice and rush order requests are not accepted.
Wholesale orders are available to qualified buyers.
Thank you for stopping by and we look forward to servicing your medal needs in the future!
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is illegal to wear original or replica medals that have NOT been issued/awarded to you by the Governor General, Provincial Lt-Governors or the Department of National Defence. Only the actual recipient of an honour may wear its insignia. No family member or any person other than the original recipient may wear the insignia of an order, decoration or medal, even posthumously. Insignia that are purchased or otherwise acquired may be used for display purposes ONLY and cannot be worn on the person in any form or manner.